Expositie 'Kroonjuwelen'. Museum Krona

June 25 - July 8, '24. Exhibition "Kroonjuwelen", Museum Krona, Uden.

Stefanie's collage work 'Behind Bars', work created in the jungle of Jerora, Indonesia, can be seen at this s.MaaK-exhibition. It shows the Crown Jewels of the Kalimantan rainforest, hidden behind a wall of bars. ("Behind Bars.)

This work is a composition of 15 watercolor miniatures, created by Stefanie's collaboration with ...

the ferocious forces of nature of the unrelenting jungle of Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Each miniature symbolizes one of the orangutans who, at the time Stefanie is staying overthere, are being cared for and, where possible, rehabilitated at the rescue center in Jerora. After Stefanie sets up each small canvas, she hands them over to the rainforest where the orangutans are allowed to rehabilitate, where the miniatures are exposed to the forces of nature for 5 weeks. The elements of the jungle determine in which miniature the bars are swept away and where they remain in view. 
A metaphor for our Soulmates of the Jungle, who are sometimes allowed to return to their natural habitat after intensive care and training, but sometimes are also so severely traumatized at the hands of humans; physically, mentally or both, that they will spend the rest of their lives hidden behind bars.